Top List Of Scholarships Recommendation Letter Example

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Mostly, a teacher, lecturer, or counselor will draft this letter. However, an employer or athletic coach can also be a suitable or required option depending on the scholarship conditions. The author’s ability to use their personal connection to the candidate to support their personal recommendation with concrete instances and their understanding of the academic requirements are what matter most.

Steps to follow in writing a Scholarship Recommendation Letter

Below are the steps to follow in writing a Scholarship recommendation letter.

  • Format For Writing a scholarship recommendation letter: A recommendation letter for a scholarship should be one full page long (about 300–500 words) and include a letterhead, an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Making use of letter headed: At the top left corner of the page, you are writing it, the author should include the following information which are the date you are writing it, your full name, school name, the street address is also important, city, state, zip code, and the country.
  • Your introduction: The introduction will include a brief introduction to the applicant, identify the scholarship for which they are providing a recommendation, and explain the nature and duration of the author’s relationship with the applicant. The body paragraphs will go into more detail on the candidate’s qualifications, therefore the introduction just has to be 2 or 3 sentences long. Below are some examples
    • Example 1:

Dear Admissions Committee,

I wish to recommend Candy Boosty for the FNSA scholarship program. As a teacher at Goshen High School, I have worked closely with her for the past four years and have developed a great deal of respect for this remarkable young woman during that time. Despite having financial hardships to overcome, she has excelled in all academic fields.

A teacher is submitting this sample on behalf of a student with specific financial needs. The length and quality of their relationship as well as the scholarship the author is suggesting the student for are all clearly described by the author. The final sentence describes the candidate’s financial needs while also noting that they haven’t let their problems stop them from pursuing their degree. This phrase implies that the student is a deserving applicant and that financial aid will only help them thrive even more.

The first paragraph in writing of Scholarship Recommendation Letter

In the first body paragraph of the letter, the writer will describe the ways in which the candidate fulfills the requirement for the scholarship. Here, the writer can use quantitative examples such as the candidate’s grades and academic performance to demonstrate that the candidate is a stand-out and good student. By demonstrating that they understand what sort of candidate the scholarship committee is looking for, the writer will make their recommendation worthier of consideration. This paragraph should be approximately 3 to 5 sentences in length.

  • Example:

I personally feel that the Diamond scholarship should go to someone who possesses strong leadership qualities and a genuine concern for their community and development. Candy fits these guidelines perfectly. Last year, she acted as Student Body President, and this year she took on the primary responsibility of organizing the school’s annual talent show and others. 

In this instance (written by a teacher), the writer communicates their qualitative evaluation of the student as being a good academic performer, clearly indicates their comprehension of the scholarly principles, offers examples of how the student satisfies these criteria, and The next paragraph would need to elaborate on each of their instances to make them more compelling.

Second paragraph writing of Scholarship Recommendation Letter

After stating in the previous paragraph that the student is a qualified candidate, the writer should now provide specific examples to back up their judgment. For instance, the second paragraph could go on to include instances of the student’s pertinent coursework (such as lab work, essays, or awards) if the first paragraph declares that the student meets the academic standards in a certain field of study (such as chemistry, or Maths). This paragraph can be 3 to 5 sentences long, depending on how many instances the author is able to provide.

  • Example:

I am familiar with Candy’s education and career goals, and I know that without financial aid she may not be able to achieve these aspirations. Candy is a capable student, and more importantly, she is driven by a desire to do good for her community. She participates in Fanta quize at her neighborhood park and has volunteered for the school’s special needs program. She deserves this award more than anyone I can think of, and I heartily endorse her application.

In this case, the candidate’s character is praised and their financial needs are stated. It is crucial to address this issue if at all possible because financial need is frequently at least partially considered when giving out scholarships.

The Conclusion in writing of Scholarship Recommendation Letter

A recommendation letter for a scholarship should conclude with a conclusion paragraph that highlights the author’s support of the applicant and extends an invitation to get in touch with the author by phone or email (a preferred contact, not necessarily both). The letter must be hand-signed by the author to attest to its validity. This conclusion, which typically lasts between two and four sentences, should give the reader a strong sense of the writer’s r’s faith in the candidate.

  • Example:

It has been a joy to work with Barbara and I am proud to be able to provide this letter of recommendation for the scholarship program you represent. I can be reached at (555) 555-5555 if you have any question’s regarding Barbara’s application.



Frederick McKinsley

Here, the writer concludes their letter with a positive result and offers a clear invitation for further communication.

Scholarships Recommendation Letter Example

April 19, 2017

John Dickson
Literature and English Teacher
Goshen High School
31 Lewis Street
Bridgetown, CA, 90210

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to express my support for Candy Boosty Big Carrington Philbert Scholarship application. At Franciscan High School, I had the pleasure of instructing Candy in English Literature for the 11th and 12th grades. She has consistently dazzled me with her ability to explain complex ideas and comprehend long texts. Candy stands out as a writer and as a student because of her keen awareness of the subtleties in literature and her love of reading and writing.

Candy wrote an outstanding thesis paper on the subject of the formation of creative identity during her senior year in which she analyzed works from three distinct eras and combined cultural and historical perspectives to guide her interpretation. Candy presented her thesis defense in front of her peers with clarity and eloquence, and she thoughtfully addressed the concerns that were posed. Even though Candy demonstrates a lot of promise as a well-rounded liberal arts student, poetry is what she is most passionate about. She publishes her poems in the literary journal of our school and has also had work featured in internet periodicals.

Candy participated actively in our talks the entire year and consistently encouraged her peers. As she consistently respects others’ perspectives, even when they differ from her own, her caring character and disposition enable her to work well with others in a team situation. Jan excelled as a literature student and aspiring poetess throughout the year by exhibiting these qualities: openness to and empathy for the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of others; astute abilities of observation; and shrewdness.

I have no doubt that Jan will carry on producing wonderful and original work in the future. Her art exhibits an astounding depth for a young pupil, as I’m sure you’ll agree. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to email me at


Mr. John Dickson

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