Moshal Scholarship 2023 for Undergraduate Students

The Moshal scholarship program is offering undergraduate students in need of financial
assistance an opportunity to study at prestigious universities around the world. This scholarship
supports over 1,000 students from South Africa and Israel. It has grown so big that it produced
95% employable graduates since its establishment.

Founded in 2009 by Martin Moshal, the philanthropic program has helped students pursue their
educational dreams. Moshal scholarship is dedicated to helping academically sound students
who are limited to resources for a proper education.

Moshal program supports highly motivated students ready to make an impact in the community.
Students driven with leadership spirit and eager to learn are the best selections for the annual

With the high rate of inflation, the prices of tuition and college have increased. A lot of students
find it difficult to go through higher education. For this reason, Moshal program has devoted its
foundation to the purpose of helping financially needy students. Please, if you have an active
sponsor, do not apply for this scholarship. Let the actual students in need of finance apply.

Eligible Universities For Mashal Scholarship Program

This scholarship is only open to certain university undergraduates. Before you can apply, make
sure you check if your current school is listed under eligible institutions for Moshal Scholarship.

  • WITS
  • UP
  • UCT
  • Stellenbosch
  • UKZN
  • UFS
  • Rhodes
  • NMU
  • UJ

Available Programs To Study

Moshal Scholarship program will consider applicants studying any of the following courses.

  1. Commerce/Accounting
  2. actuarial science
  3. ComputerScience/InformationTechnology
  4. DataScience/Mathematics/Statistic
  5. Engineering
  6. Medicine/Pharmacy

Unfortunately, students studying humanities, Nursing, or Teaching Degrees are not eligible for
this scholarship. The Moshal program does not accommodate those fields for unspecified
reasons. Therefore, if your University and/or degree are not listed above, then you can not apply
for Moshal Scholarship.

Scholarship Duration

Moshal scholarship program runs throughout the scholar’s duration of study. Since most
Undergraduate courses ranging from 4 to 5 years, Moshal scholarship will annually support
recipient till the end of their study program.

Scholarship Sponsors

Moshal scholarship is sponsored and hosted by Moshal program in partnership with several
institutions located in South Africa and Israel. Some of Moshal’s partners include: Rhodes
University, Nelson Mandela University, University of CapeTown, University of Johannesburg, etc.
Funding for Moshal Scholarship is verified because of the numerous donors available and
supporting Alumni from various regions of the world.

Moshal Scholarship Requirement

Aside from the university and course requirements, there are additional criteria applicants must
fulfill before being considered for Moshal Scholarship. These requirements include:

  1. The applicant must be from South Africa or Israel (exceptions may be made).
  2. Your family income per annum must not exceed R200000
  3. Score at least 70% for English, Mathematics, Physical Science, and/or Accounting.

Required Documents

  • Application form
  • Documents showing Familyannual income.
  • Academic transcripts
  • Other documents(where applicable)

How To Apply For Moshal Scholarship

To apply for this scholarship, applicants will be required to fill out an online application form
and also provide supporting documents. Follow these steps for a successful application:

  • Answer correctly the required information on your application form.
  • Ensure the submitted information are factual.
  • Save your entry and continue later if you don’t have the required documents ready.
  • Beware that once you submit your application, it can not be edited.
  • For every applicant, only one entry is accepted.

Click Here to apply for Moshal Scholarship

What Does Moshal Scholarship Cover

The Moshal scholarship covers various financial aspects of a student’s academics. It covers
tuition, accommodation, textbooks, and living allowance for selected students. These benefits
will be valid for the duration of the scholar’s study.
Selected students should consider Moshal as a fully funded scholarship. There are several
benefits for recipients, however, you must prove deserving enough to get selected.

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Moshal Selection Process

The committee responsible for selecting students will take drastic measures to ensure the best
students are selected. This scholarship will focus more on students in need of financial
assistance and academic performance.
To stand a higher chance of winning, you must be in both categories. Moshal scholarship’s
mission is to help students in need of financial assistance. So students who possess good
academic performance but are financially okay to go through college might not be awarded the

Moshal Scholarship Application 2023 Closing Date

Application for Moshal opens on August 1, 2022, and closes on January 31, 2023. Interested and
qualified students must submit their applications before the due date. Any application submitted
after the stipulated deadline will be considered void

Moshal Scholarship Contact Information

If you encounter any challenges during your application, do not hesitate to contact Moshal
the support team for a quick response. Also, for students seeking inquiries, feel free to speak to a
representative from Moshal.

Bonus Application Tips For Moshal Scholarship

These few tips doesn’t guarantee you would win the moshal scholarship. However, they may
come handy

  • Getreadyallrequireddocumentsearly: If you haven’t gotten your academic transcript, ensure you start its process atleast 3 weeks before the scholarship deadline. Do same for other documents that need signing/approval.
  • Apply early Most students neglect the advantage of applying early. When you submit your application early, you escape the late entry penalty or rushhour. Some late applications are not well written and so, the scholarship committee won’t hesitate to reject such applications.


Undergraduate students in Africa and beyond should give Moshal scholarship a go. Who knows,
you could end up getting a full sponsorship to chase your dream course.
On the other hand, there are tons of opportunities out there for undergraduates and
post graduate students. Even without a stable financial, youc an study in one of the best
universities of the world for absolutely free. However, it won’t come easy. Your hard work and
dedication would get you there.
Scholarships are here to provide assistance to students ready to make a huge impact in the
world. The era of illiteracy is gone. Now is the time to harness the power of education.
Apply for Moshal Scholarship today!

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